Olivia, Hallie Beth, and Lane

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In the beginning...

Well the time has come for me to blog. I love being nosey into other people's lives, but have decided there is a much bigger reason that people were keeping such a "public diary". Documenting my family's everyday (or weekly) happenings will be such a joy for future readings! I really believe my babies will appreciate it later on even if they don't now. Therefore, all of my posts will be a message to Olivia, Hallie Beth and Lane.

I'm not much of a writer, but I do like to reflect on life. In fact, I dwell on too many things I cannot change. I don't know why I put so much stress on myself. I catch my gerbil going into overdrive!!! Did I say something bad? Did I do something wrong? Should I have done this? Should I have worn that? It's really nonsense, but that's how I'm wired! Thank God Trey is such a patient man!

This post is mostly babble, but I knew I had to start somewhere. Tomorrow (or next week) will begin to make sense...hopefully. Then again I am random!

xoxo, Mama